Obsah webových stránek CHEIRÓN a.s. je dle zákona č. 40/1995 Sb., o regulaci reklamy a o změně a doplnění zákona č. 468/1991 Sb., o provozování rozhlasového a televizního vysílání, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, určený výhradně odborníkům. Pokračováním na tyto stránky prohlašujete, že jste odborníkem v smyslu zákona č. 40 /1995 Sb. V případě, že na tyto stránky vstoupí osoba, která není odborníkem ve smyslu zákona, vystavuje se riziku vyplývajícího z nesprávného pochopení obsahu těchto stránek.
CHEIRÓN perceives its social responsibility at all levels of its business. In the long term, we follow the principles of sustainable business and meet current needs, which contribute to development and growth, but at the same time in the long run are not at the expense of the environment and society.
We have the principles of sustainability based on several pillars:
We currently use energy from renewable sources. The aim is to gradually increase the share of green energy in ensuring the activities and operation of our company and reducing energy intensity. At all process levels, we focus on the optimization and efficient use of energy resources and water. Our products meet strict conditions of the highest quality with an emphasis on efficient energy consumption. We also use sustainable resources in packaging management. The packaging materials we use are made of recyclable or reusable materials. And we contribute to the generation of less waste.
Within the production and logistics chain, we select partners who are also actively involved in maintaining the principles of sustainability.
These principles and principles are applied in the daily activities of all our employees, who, through their commitment, contribute to the sustainable development of our company with a view to the future.